fifo Holiday Party
Wednesday, December 18th 7pm
Two Rivers Brewing in Easton
“T’was the weeks before Christmas and all thru the Valley, the local film scene was stirring – seemed almost a rally. Folks they were wondering where they could find some cheery comradery, someplace they could thrive.”
End of Year Wrap Party!!
There is a certain Joy that comes from sharing stories. It’s why we do what we do in the filmmaking world. Per your requests, we will be doing a live table read (featuring fifo members) of a seasonal short title “In the Spirit of Things”. We will also take a moment to reflect on the past years achievements and look forward to the opportunities that 2025 will bring. Also expect some fun and games, some treats and lots of Holiday Cheer!
Coming in January
We will be returning to Civic Theatre 514 for a special free screening event.
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Check us out on Instagram @fifolv